
Living to the Extreme

The business environment is evolving at an accelerated rate, primarily due to such factors as globalization and advances in information and technology. What used to take 15 years to change, now takes 5 or less. This pace requires a shift in how you think about innovation, because really you have three choices (two of which are undesirable):  innovate, exit or die.

I’d like to introduce you to Andy Des Jardins. Comparable to any of us, he has gone through life checking off the necessary expectations that have been ingrained in our societal DNA. Andy spent his corporate years in a fulfilling and supportive environment with DuPont. He worked there for over 35 years, gaining experience in various disciplines within the organization. He was granted a stable opportunity to succeed in the corporate world during his career. DuPont’s strong core values resonated greatly with Mr. Des Jardins; and not only that, but they greatly valued dedicated employees such as Andy. What more could you ask for? Well, life is a journey, so there are always more opportunities on the horizon.

Have you ever reached a point in your life where you felt like you were in dire need of a change? Or maybe you felt like there were areas of your life in which you could improve? In all honesty, you don’t have to have a specific reason to improve upon your already remarkable self, except of course, to be even more extraordinary.

Meet Jon Rosenberg of Levrose Commercial Real Estate. Jon first became introduced to CATSHOT in October of 2015 at the EO Alchemy Regional Conference, where I was doing a keynote speech. Jon was already a successful individual, but he saw the opportunity to lift his level of achievement, both personally and professionally, by embracing CATSHOT 13 and a high performance mindset.

The make or break of a high performance group setting revolves around the interest of the individuals involved. Do they actually want to be there? Are they interested in the subject being presented? If not, it’s probably a waste of time. If people are engaged in the experience, they learn more effectively. How do teams ensure they achieve this extreme high performance mental state? Achieving this stems from the Performance Triad. First, passion; there must be a driving factor involved that motivates the team to want to be there. Second, free will; every team member must feel they have the opportunity to make a difference and to have an influence in achieving the goal at hand. Lastly, focus. Every team member must be invested in the process and should have their ‘eye on the prize’, as we like to say. 

A very wise toy once said, “to infinity and beyond!” It’s a powerful phrase, but have you actually thought about what it means? Infinity implies something that never ends, so how would you ever possibly go beyond that? It’s all about the way you look at things. To me, infinity is an illusion. Never is it truly unreachable, but it always keeps one shooting for the stars! Here is where we all can take a cue from those who were truly great throughout history. They never stopped expanding their frontier of achievement and searching for ways to better fulfill their Noble Calling, even after they have achieved incredible wealth and fame. In fact, many, continue to help humanity centuries past their lifetime through the inventions, discoveries and philanthropy they left behind. So what will you leave behind?

Has there ever been a moment in your life when you were scared of the commitment you were about to make? Chances are it has happened at one time or another, either in your personal, professional, or social life. You are not the only one who has experienced this struggle prozac 10 mg. It’s difficult for many, primarily because once committed there are two possible outcomes: success or failure…both of which can generate anxiety or distress within an individual.

Don’t let fear consume you or prevent you from being the person you are capable of being. Every individual journey is different. Remember that along every journey there will be bumps in the road and hurdles to overcome, it’s just a matter of how dedicated you are to persevering up and over them.

aircraft-67566_1920As the start of the new year has passed, have you begun the struggle of holding onto your New Year’s productivity? Don’t feel bad. Everyone seems to start off the year strong and highly motivated, only to be overwhelmed with the pressure of keeping it up for the remaining 11 months of the year. Take a step back and adjust the lens.

Refocus your organization

Have you ever looked back on the week and realized you just went through the motions without remembering the ‘why?’ It’s easy to have this happen in any aspect of your life, but it’s critical to remember the ‘why’ of everything you do. If you don’t know what is driving you to accomplish certain goals, then how can you expect to stay motivated? They don’t call them the winter blues for nothing. It’s a time of year where everyone becomes distracted and overwhelmed with the excitement of the holidays and everything else going on around them.

superhero-1043231_1920Have you ever had that one movie or documentary that you were addicted to? Your daily schedules might even have revolved around the airing of new episodes. When an individual puts that kind of time towards something, there is usually something about it that has drawn us in. Either we are living vicariously through the characters on the screen, or we imagine that one day that we to could do those amazing things as well. You see it almost everyday. It sells in books, in movies, and on TV…these true-life stories about bold, daring, and often, unconventional individuals. They capture our attention and our imagination. They accomplish the incredible with swagger and lack of fear. They exude free will with everything they do. We are drawn to them because many of us would like to be a bit like that ourselves, but we have not got the nerve. Don’t you think it’s about time you did?